This new adventure in the world of jazz, or “improvised music in a specific framework” as certain like to define it, could have been called “Saying goodbye to the old world”, as that's exactly what was behind my inspiration while writing the themes that I proposed to Dan Schnelle and Alex Bonham.
After having composed most of the music, I wanted to see for myself; to feel first hand and try to understand what exactly it was that inspired so many artists to live and create their music in Los Angeles.
I think it's the light. Most of the year, this part of the world is filled with intense, reassuring, and inspiring light.
And that's where I met Dan and Alex, at the bluewhale jazz club, which, every night, hosts musicians from around the world with warmth and simplicity. The music played there has no boundaries, everything from swing to classic European melodies, African rhythms and the most influential Latin genres.
I was immediately drawn to these two young and talented cats, and wanted to add a few inspired guests to our new trio - the trumpet player, Sylvain Gontard, and a string quartet brought together for the occasion by Akemi Fillon, including Miwa Rosso, Yoko Levy-Kobayashi and Camille Borsarello. Finally, our dear friend, Helik Hadar, came from Israel to capture the shared emotion and grace us with his unique sound.
Just the list of last names of these talents coming from all corners of the planet to share this moment of creativity is a testament to the fabric of this project that I had imagined from the very beginning